Tuesday, August 24, 2021

working title: each frame has its own reality / 4

 The ice bath had a magnetic repulsion force.

"Hold still," said the face pouring icy water over her with a long empty plastic ragu jar.

She did not hold still.  She shivered and flopped around.

"Hold still!"

"Yeah, give the girl a break, she's trying to bring your fever down," the man in the suit smiled down at her from above.

"How are you floating above me now?" she asked confused.

"What are you talking about," asked the face "I'm the opposite of floating, I'm trying to weigh you down."

"I'm not floating, I'm a holographic projection, but only you can see me, so try to be a little more low key will you."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to hold still," wailed the face.

"I want to go over the agent files with you and discuss the next phase, but what I seem to be doing is some sort of psych op.  When do you think you'll have it pulled together enough to continue?"

"What are you talking about?!"

"You are running a really high fever.  I'm trying to get your body temperature down."

"Better let her do that, huh," smiled the floating man in the suit before winking out of existence.