Sunday, August 8, 2021

I slept in today

Had this whole list of things I was going to do
But then I just decided I didn't want to do any of it
And when I finally got up
I had this sense
Like nothing was too bad
But I had all these little things
And I just had this sense that any one of them could blow at any minute
I thought that was awfully overly dramatic

And then
I had this idea
I was going to start writing it

She went to the window and looked out
Today what she saw looked like the surface of the moon
Blah blah
And this idea
About being completely enclosed in nacre
And the inability to move that would cause
But the beautiful glistening

But then I didn't write any of that
I watched videos
About book recommendations for Japanese literature
And here are the 60 books I read in my English major program
And my 50 favorite books
And I don't know what all else

Also I'm not sure how
But I've gotten pulled into watching some show
It's kind of dumb
And it's kind of a soap opera
But I don't seem to be able to look away
It's called Virgin River
And it said in some little town
Close to eureka
And eureka had crossed my consciousness at some point and I was like I know something about eureka what do I know about eureka well it's Northern California and it's close to the Oregon border
But the temperature is awesome
It's like maritime temperature
And there's a very small margin between what the average temperature is in the hottest month and the cold this month like the average temperature in the summer is 68 maybe and the average temperature in the winter is 58 or something like that The hottest temperature recorded is 87 degrees and the coldest temperature recorded is 20°, and I was like oh my god it's sweater weather all year although you know you'd wear a coat if it was 20

Course I guess you probably have to worry about forest fires and state income tax and all sorts of other California things

I think when I started watching it I thought it was going to be more like northern exposure
But it's not much like that

The characters that are the predominant love interest are both having like dueling flashbacks because they have all this personal trauma
But they're really making the flashbacks
Draw out the information more than is necessary because they're trying to build the tension but it's just not that dramatic of a story
And so I keep going
And pretty much
When I'm guessing what's going to happen
I'm guessing right
Which is usually what happens with TV shows
But there was something that I watched recently that I was like oh man I didn't see that coming at all
So I knew it was really well written but I can't remember what that was
Anyway I'm not really recommending it
But the sweeping shots of landscape with mountains and river are really nice
And there are log cabins and lodges and
The doctor's house is amazing
So I think I must be watching it more for the visuals

Some of the people who are talking about Japanese literature
When they get to murakami
They don't like the magic realism
And then I'm like okay well now I don't really want to know anything else you have to say
Because if what you like is his more realist stuff that isn't full of magic realism
Then I don't want your recommendations
Because what I want
Is like magical realism
I don't need
Somebody talking about their real life in realistic terms that's just not that interesting
The thing is is that for me
there are a lot of things that I'm just talking about my life the way it is and they seem like magic realism but they're not
Like all that stuff with Mr sluggo in the night kitchen
That was not magic realism
I think that my view of the world
The way I see things
Is weird

Anyway I needed to go to sleep a while ago
Because I'm getting up earlier
My mother has a doctor's appointment before she goes to the studio so I'm driving myself so I thought I would use the opportunity to go in earlier
Because she's had all this stuff for me to do and I haven't really gotten to paint
But at this point I don't think I'm going to be able to get up at 6:30

I really thought I was starting my period
I had blood tinge
I had cramps
But it hasn't started so probably it's not going to
The sleeping
The being awake
The relationship with my body
I just haven't got a handle on any of the stuff yet

But I've got an area where I can set up my easel if I want to paint with acrylics or oils again although oil isn't really practical in an apartment
And I'm pretty close to having my well
Not super close I've still got to find homes for things that are on the table but I'm pretty close to having the table where I can do larger watercolors
Then the fact that she doesn't really want me to paint or maybe she wants me to paint but she just wants me to do all these other things but I don't know
It's weird
She's weird
I'm weird

I'm going to go to sleep now though
Goodnight sweetheart I love you very much 💋