Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Tell me to bed last night
And I didn't take any melatonin before I went to bed which I have been doing every night
So I went to sleep at like 10:00 I think it was 10:00 but maybe it was his latest 11:00 but I think it was 10:00 and then I woke up at 1:30 in the morning I guess because I had to pee and I could not go back to sleep
That's not true I did go back to sleep but I didn't go back to sleep until 7:30 in the morning

I've listened to the entire book of strange weather in Tokyo which I really really enjoyed except the ending I wasn't crazy about the ending but that is seeming to be a fairly common thing for me recently
And it wasn't that I don't think it was a good ending actually it just wasn't what I was hoping for
So then I went to sleep at 7:30 and then my alarm went off at 8:30 and I had a little bit of a headache so I think that was the point at which I took Tylenol but I'm not sure
And then I woke up at 9:30 because I had a leg cramp and at that point I felt like total s*** I don't know it's like you know how when you wake up suddenly and you've got that sense that you're late or whatever and you've got that acidity stomach and your head kind of hurts and just feel really bad

So then I texted my mom and told her I had done that thing again where I went to sleep and woke up and couldn't get back to sleep oh I forgot when I woke up at 1:30 and I couldn't go back to sleep after I decided that I was having trouble going back to sleep so it was 2:00 or 2:30 I went downstairs and fed the cat again cuz he usually eats in the middle of the night and he was sleeping in the window in the kitchen but it's so hot that I haven't been encouraging him to sleep on me
Because I have to put the big blanket on so that he doesn't stick his claws into me and it's just too hot for that but after I came down and fed him he guess he was feeling extra affectionate so he came up and got on me and I petted him and then he's like okay well it's hot see you later and he ran off again
But that didn't help me go to sleep either and at that point I took melatonin and perhaps that's why then later I felt s***** because once I went to sleep then my body didn't want to get up
I think the melatonin has actually been helping me to stay asleep even though I'm not having any trouble going to sleep I'm having trouble now staying asleep

I haven't had these kind of sleeping problems since I was a kid
And that was more about my brain being over the active

I had the stream that I had a bunch of different cars and they were in a multi-layer parking garage and I had a hard time finding them
Like it wasn't clear to me whether I had a bunch of cars because I had not been able to find my car and I got another one or why exactly I had a bunch of cars

But I had been thinking before I went to sleep that I should write about traveling across country bunches of times but that it would be better if it wasn't really based on my experience in several different ways One of which I thought it would be better if I had a car that was my car that I drove across the country rather than it always being a rental car
And I was trying to figure out what kind of car it was and I thought perhaps it was maybe not even one kind of car but maybe it was kind of a Frankenstein car made from different sort of car bits so that it looked very unusual but it was yellow and had a sigil painted on it on the hood based on the sigil I designed years ago for like a logo I thought I might use

I didn't finish  1q84
I don't know why sometimes I start books and I just don't want to read them
I was really interested in it
Just not really what I want to read right now I guess
I was a little disappointed that the strange weather in Tokyo didn't really seem to contain any magical realism at all though I feel as though I was promised a magical realism

But now I'm about to read
The Nakano thrift shop
Which is also by hiromi kawakami

And I'm kind of excited about reading it
Or listening to it really
I hope you're doing okay
I love you very much sweetheart 💋