Tuesday, August 10, 2021

I don't really have anything to say today
I feel vaguely sick
I had hurts
I'm having cramping
But no blood
I stayed in bed until after 3:00
And to be honest with you I'm kind of sorry I got up
Because I just do not feel right

No I'm not saying I'm sick
I don't exactly feel sick
But I feel kind of sick

And even though I haven't been up for very long
And haven't really done anything
I'm exhausted
And I'm going back to bed
I'm pretty sure I drink coffee earlier
I guess I could be low on iron again or maybe I never really got unload on iron
I do know the iron sort of seemed like it messed up my digestion when I finished the box
I wished I switched to the stuff that absorbs under my tongue and then I kind of just stopped
My digestion never really has gone back
And probably what I need to do is move around more

I dreamed I was doing this complicated routine
It wasn't exactly cheerleading
But it was more like that I guess
I mean it wasn't gymnastics exactly
But I know I was very impressed with myself
And I was trying to show you my routine
And there was something to do with frogs
Like my routine didn't have anything to do with frogs maybe the teams had to do with frogs I don't know they were frogs
And I was sure that the team was going to win because I was able to do all these physical things that I didn't think I could do and that seemed to be a sign but then it turned out
But if you see a certain kind of frog that means you're going to lose
And I had seen that frog but I didn't know it was a bad frog that I wasn't supposed to see
It was kind of large-ish
Like the size of a large grapefruit and it was kind of round like that like a Pac-Man frog but not as big as a Pac-Man frog at least I think the Pac-Man frogs are big anyway I don't know what I'm talking about I'm not an expert on frogs
But it was yellow and black
And when I was practicing it was peeking out from these shelves that I have that are I think they're from the '40s it's a narrow little set of shelves I used to have it by my bed at the last place

It's so hot here
I had to sleep practically naked
even with the a/c

I'm going to bed now

Goodnight sweetheart I love you very much 💋