Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Well so again I'm up all night and I just have no idea what to listen to next
I want something gum shoe but I wanted to be written by a woman and I want it to be weird I just don't have anything that fits that description and I listen to a sample of amnesia moon and I don't think that's don't really think that's what I want to listen to next
I have a lot of books in my library and I looked all through them and I just am like eh
I don't know
Just probably part of the reason why I have such a hard time cuz I just look at stuff and I'm like I don't want that
And I could listen to electric sheep again
But I think I want something different
So rather than doing what I've just done which is spend hours looking for the list think what I'm going to do is just kind of bring it up on my phone and make a reasonably quick decision without a lot of thought about what kind of comes up soon
Without my having to look through 15 pages of stuff
I have 15 pages of really good stuff I was looking through it going wow this is really good stuff some of it I remember putting in there and some of it I don't and some of it I've tried to listen to before and didn't get all the way through

I just I want a particular kind of thing and it doesn't have to be gumshoe but I'd rather it's gumshoe but then I also want it to be weird and something to do with dreams and
So we'll see I give myself
Starting now 10 minutes