Monday, August 16, 2021

I finished gun with occasional music
I believe that was his first novel
And certainly at the beginning it did have the feeling of a first novel
But that's perhaps not fair because those gum shoe novels they always kind of start off a little stilted until they can kind of get rolling so I don't know hard to say what was which

And even if a few hours in I was like I don't know I don't know if I'm going to finish this or not part of the reason why I have not been reading a lot is my attention span has gotten just wretched

I can remember when I was in college every time I was studying for midterms or finals so twice a year I had to have a book that I really really wanted to read that I would kind of let myself read to decompress from studying and have never been a fast reader but I used to read a lot

But for the last some many years I'll go long periods of time I mean I read articles
But I have a hard time getting into things so even if I'm listening to him I'm like no I don't know if I could do it

So like I'll go through a spell where I find an author that I find enjoyable to read and I'll read some books and if they're if they're you know a mystery or something that's fairly fast and low intensity I might read a whole string of them but I don't just love to read any random mystery you know or any random science fiction or any random anything I'm real particular and like the sookie stackhouse books those were not well written books but but I liked the characters and you know they were just kind of fun but I tried reading some of her other series's and the only other one I could read was midnight Texas she's got several other serieses but you know they're not great books so if they don't have something that particularly grabs me there's no reason to read them

And I'm not sure if I really consider that reading anyway I mean it is technically reading but it's more like watching TV

So to have read like five books in the span of two or three weeks is you know not something I've never done before obviously but it's something that I haven't done for a while
Now those were mostly pretty short books except for killing commenatore

But now I'm trying to figure out what to read next I mean I've got those two actual books to read from going to keep with the audiobooks as well

And I'm of several minds
I mean I could stick with the first novel idea and I could read wind and pinball by murakami which I've never read before
And then I could go back and read while sheep chase again which I really like and which is kind of a mystery kind of and then I could read dance dance which I've never read although I sort of think I've tried listening to it before and couldn't get very far so I could do that but I don't know unless enthusiastic about that travel path I wouldn't mind to read about cheap chase again but I don't know

Then another thing I'm thinking about is reading do Android's dream of electric sheep again because all that stuff about their personal mixtures of drug to adjust their mood and everything reminded me a lot of electric sheep and that sort of a science fiction so it's got some common ground with with gun with occasional music but I've read do Android stream of electric sheep like I don't know three times four times but it's been I don't know probably eight or 10 years since the last time I read it maybe not but possibly
And I love Philip k Dick so if I'm reading influences then that makes sense
and possibly I could go from that to hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world which I started but never finished

Or I could read amnesia moon by Jonathan Lethem which I think is his second novel and then there's she climbed across the table and girl in landscape which I think are the third and fourth but maybe they're the fourth and fifth or maybe I've got them switched in order order

I don't think I want to read that many Jonathan Lethem books in a row though
Because I'm trying to get a kind of a slurry going in my brain I want to put in too much of one thing

In addition to those I have also in my library the Pharaoh detective which is a mystery that I have not read I've started it but I kind of couldn't get into it and motherless Brooklyn which I read but it's been a while ago but I thought it was really well written I mean like if you just gave me gun with occasional music and motherless Brooklyn and they didn't have the author's name on them I'm not believe I would identify them as being the same writer
And that makes me think that rather than reading some of these earlier books I might rather look at some of his more recent books but I don't have those in my library so I'd have to get them which of course I can have two credits but I have all this stuff in my library that I've wanted to read and have been able to make myself read I mean I think amnesia moon and growing landscape I got in 2020 when I thought maybe I could get myself to read but I couldn't focus at all in 2020 I don't think I read anything in 2020 I think I read anything at all even though I wasn't really doing anything maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm misremembering but I don't think I did I started a bunch of stuff I don't think I finished any of it

Electric sheep is narrated by Scott brick he's pretty good so that's appealing

So I've just been sitting here for some extended period of time like I don't know possibly an hour not seeing anything but looking at my list so I think I should probably go ahead and publish this and then continue