Friday, May 23, 2014

i had volunteered

I was filling in as an assistant manager
for a mall, shopping mall
and I don't know why I did that
there were a lot of problems
I was trying to help
one of the other girls
with a money shortage issue
and one of the guys
with something else, I forget
when somebody came to tell me
the roof was leaking
big danerous wet floor situation
so, I mean, I was taking care of it
but I called the manager
told her
I realize this is my fault
I am responsible to make sure
everything, all the time
I was busy
and I got it as soon as I was aware
but she chewed me out anyway

I was at my house
but not any house I've actually live in
and mine was the only one without weeds
 then I went in
and there was this person
telling me about it
[I watched hgtv before bed]
there was this unobtrusive gap in the wall
what's that, I said
that's the stairway to ________'s house
[I forgot the name]
and I'm all like, wait, seriously
they just have a key to my house
there's no door to their house
just a stairway
this is so uncool with me

and then
right before I woke up
there was that lady knight from game of thrones
dressed up like a fire jumper

I don't know what
any of that means
for some reason
I feel like I'm supposed to tell you about tracey
maybe I'll do that
it's kinda sad
I don't want to right now