Sunday, May 25, 2014

a virtual patchwork of oddity

when I woke up at 5 something
I had been in this art town
and we were buying
these beautiful bowls
they came as a set
something they kept calling parfait bowls
clear with a confetti pattern of light sky blue
and a larger bowl swirling cobalt
we went to a woodworker
enormous solid table tops
I think the one we like the best
was a purple so dark it looked like ebony
then, like I said, I woke up
and I felt you so strongly
I been feeling you for days
and proximity matters I guess
I guess we already knew that
once I had to get out of the car
couldn't drive for the spasms

after I went back to sleep
I told you I was going to
do some sort of vlogging
or show
you said
yeah, you should

but then
before I woke up now
well, not now, but most recently
I was working for some big box type place
only a little smaller than big
and I was trying to help this guy
with his video tape rewinder issue
so, shit
what year is that
what the hell does that mean
he wanted to buy, something
be was worried about our quality
I told him our quality was good
he started telling me about the rewinder
I said
bring it in, we'll refund your money
he said
I threw it away
I can try to get you a number for someone
in corporate
who might give you something
I said
but you really shouldn't have thrown it away

what does that mean