Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I had four phone messages
one was praising me for
an excellent purchase
some beer
but they seemed to think it was wine
was deborah
trying to reach me
about something
the other two
just seemed to be junk calls
not even really for me
I was happy that they weren't creditors
in dreams, if I get something, communication
like that, it's usually telling me
that I owe something I didn't know

then I was out with a group
and one girl was telling me
like group rules, or something
irritating me
shoshanna was telling me
that my current boss
is talking about demoting me
no, I say, that's not credible
I'm doing an excellent job
well, she says, you don't get the stuff put away
not as quickly and completely as you once did
maybe is true
it's sure the way I've been feeling

I'm sorry
I may not have said something you wanted me to say
doesn't mean I don't love you

I am worried and confused
about something
it's eating up my brainpower