Tuesday, August 9, 2022

My mom has set the movers to come the 19th to get the rest of the stuff
So I'm working longer shifts
And she's like I'm just going to be working in the den trying to get all those papers dealt with

And I'm like you know there's only like 10 more days
And she's like well you know you just have to put everything in boxes
And I'm like isn't it a lot easier to just throw all the papers and boxes
And she's like yeah but I would need a 10x10 storage just to put all those boxes in I think the 19th barely gives me enough time to deal with them

But you know I guess no problem for me to do the whole rest of the house
But don't throw anything away
So I'm working in that front bedroom
I've been working in the garage for the last couple of days but now I'm working in the front bedroom because you know I just I need to get it finished

That's the one that was originally so full that you had to move things out in order to move in the room it was like one of those puzzles where you move pieces around anyway
I've gone through and I've gotten rid of lots and lots of stuff but now we're to the stuff that I feel uncomfortable getting rid of
and I mean she said multiple times basically you know all that stuff can go
But I don't know exactly where it's supposed to go if I'm not allowed to throw anything away

So I'm throwing stuff away
But you know we're down to the stuff you know

And I'm also sorting things so they're you know sort of with like things I don't want to just take everything and shove it into boxes and besides where will those boxes go right

So today I found what I think is all the things that belong to her father and her mother that she's just had you know in random places now I may find some more but this is everything I found so far they're glasses and her father's army stuff and whatever and I packed that very neatly and nicely into a box

And then of all the torn out magazine pages and whatnot I packed that with some printed material for collaging that she ordered from Oregon with some remaining books with some decorative like tiles and things so it's you know not exactly all the same thing but it's kind of like all the remaining things that are kind of just rando artsy stuff and I packed that into a box

And then I have a box where I have art tools and it's only about a third full but I have more art tools in another area so I'm going to take that box to where those other art tools are and pack that up

And I had two totes one of them I put the Swarovski crystals and the other one I'm trying to organize all the beads to put in but there are just a f*** ton of beads
So I'm still working on that
Because there's beads and beads and more beads but I just want there to be one container of beads and then what doesn't fit in that container I'm thinking is going because it's not like she's ever going to do any of this you know I mean it's going to be packed up and she's never going to touch it it's been in that room completely untouched for probably 10 years at least

So I packed like 3ish boxes
And I got seven bags of trash
I worked for about 7 hours That's not very good average time on the trash bags but this wasn't like just going around and collecting trash this was having to sort things and make decisions about which things to throw away and which things to keep
Out of stuff that I didn't really feel all that comfortable doing that with because you know none of the stuff that I'm throwing away is actually trash at this point it's like you know I'd been collecting colored pencils from all over every time I find colored pencils I put them in a spot and then I thought I had them all and I packed up a banker box and it's like colored pencils filling almost the entire box with just a few fabric dye paints because that would fill up the extra space but then I found a bunch more I thought I'd been through everything but there were some in a spot that I had been to but just I guess didn't pull them out at the time I must have been there a long time ago and so I was like well are these really nice pencils cuz you know I found a set of pencils after I had done the box and you know I open the box and I put that set in but no these are just you know random loose pencils now you know they're not bad pencils but there's just a limit to how many colored pencils you need if you have like 400 colored pencils you don't need another hundred colored pencils so I threw them away it's that kind of stuff

Because what she does is she buys things and she puts them somewhere and she doesn't know where they are so the next time she's going to use that thing she goes and buys it again and then again and then again and so you know I'm thinking when she's going to if she's going to use these things she's just going to buy them again so why do we need to keep them

Anyway I said something about you know having spent the day working in there and she's like well what are you doing and I'm like well I'm going through things and she's like are you sorting things and I'm like well yeah I'm sorting things because I'm trying to put like things together and I'm like and those beads are just really killing me and she's like oh just throw all the beads in boxes there are hardly any beads anyway how many boxes could it be

So at any rate
I guess the 19th gives me an end point although I'll still have to go to her house and organize everything there
And she's decided that she needs a storage they have storages at her apartments and so although the 10 ft by 20 ft storage that I wanted to rent back when they were on sale for like $115 a month was out of the question at that point and then when she said okay we could get a storage because I was hysterical

which probably she would have reneged on that anyway but when she said that and I checked well they were up to like $250 a month so I'm just like okay no storage that's fine you want it to be over you want the stuff to be no storage
I've just been working from that plan since then

But she decided that she's got enough papers that she needs a storage now I don't know what she thinks is in the whole rest of the house

I really just don't know what the f*** she thinks
But now she's decided that she needs one of the storages that they have at her apartment and that is a 30 ft² storage and it's $60 a month
And she was making it sound before like it was on a different level so we'd have to be going up in an elevator and blah blah blah so I don't know I really don't know
But I'm about to go to sleep

goodnight sweetheart I love you very much 💋