Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Went to sleep about 2:00 but I seem to have neglected to tell you
I woke up about 7:00
Lots and lots of thunder
They're supposed to be thunderstorms all night and possible flooding
So I'm not going to be driving until it's light probably
Because driving around in the dark when there's possible flooding is a good way to die in Houston

Now if I get up and it stopped raining and it doesn't seem to be flooded then you know I may go earlier I don't know but since I'm kind of uncomfortable with the driving in the dark anyway I think probably waiting until it's actually light out is fine

I have gotten out 68 bags of trash this month
That's including 20 bags of trash that I got out on the 1st because I was trying to make my 156 goal
Which I did not quite make

Today is trash day so I hope I can go a little bit early because I can usually fit six or seven bags of trash into her trash can on top of the lake you know three four bags that she's likely to have put in there

I think I need another week though
I don't think I can have it all done by the 19th

I was thinking about it and if she actually wants me to pack everything up if I have enough time that actually is maybe better because if I pack it I can the things away as I pack it and since she has no sense of how much space anything takes I mean like about a hundred trash bags ago she thought the amount of stuff that was in the house was about 14 boxes

Anyway I was planning to try to sleep through and get up at 12:30 but I decided at 7:00 that I should call my mom and tell her that if she was still working at the house she should go home because there was maybe going to be flooding she wasn't still at the house she was at a restaurant

Anyway I think I'm going to go back to sleep

Maybe plan to get up around 2:00
But you know
I'm not adverse to sleeping more I only got about four and a half or 5 hours of sleep last night and then I slept 5 hours today and woke up and I don't know if that was because my body was like okay 5 hours that's what you do now or if it's because there was a lot of thunder and it woke me up hard to say

I love you sweetheart 💋