Wednesday, August 17, 2022

I dreamed I was in college
I don't know why but I was wearing heels
And I was running to catch an elevator
And I was moving quickly and my feet didn't hurt and I didn't see him in any imminent danger of falling
And in the dream I had a lucid moment
About all that and I was like wow that's so much better than test taking
That's almost a flying dream

And then I went to some apartment building
And I don't really remember everything that happened there
She said I was going to meet somebody or really more like find somebody

I think I was trying to find Jessica who used to work for me
Who I kind of thought of as a daughter
And I'm not 100% sure whether I found her or not
But I think I did
Because the next section was about this cafe
It was kind of outside
But it was kind of inside
And the deal was that it was really cozy and you would gather up all these pillows and blankets and stuff
So you're inside and it's covered and you're not going to get wet or anything but it was open to let the cold in
So you could set up all hours of the morning in your cozy little conversation pit
And catch up with old friends

I think it was on the college campus
So somehow there was this whole like
Old friends getting together vibe
But the pillows were all different sizes and had really pretty patterns on them and so there was a whole like picking out your
Designing your space thing

It was a very satisfying dream

I think I'm getting better
I just don't necessarily have a lot to say

I seem to be better able to sleep
I think I slept like 13 hours yesterday and overnight

Anyway I'm running really late today it's already 8:00 and I'm breakfasted and showered but I'm not dressed

Anyway I hope you have a good day
I love you very much 💋