Thursday, August 25, 2022

I got woken up
Because it was a line of people coming for me to make drinks for them
I was in a nightgown
And I don't think I really knew the recipes for the drinks
So I was talking to him and being all friendly and charming and just making them all custom drinks

And really talk into him making it like a personal experience
And it wasn't going fast
And I wasn't doing it right
But they were super into it and didn't seem to care

I was joking with him about having just rolling out of bed and my hair was all like disheveled and whatever

But I didn't care and I wasn't stressed at all

All the customers were being super nice

And then this girl comes in and she's like hey I'm here to help you cuz you seem like you were pretty tired last time I saw you I thought you might need some help

I thought that was a really good dream

One of the last things I said to my mother yesterday
Because she's like going through stuff and she's putting it on to shelves that I've already emptied for me to put into more boxes

And I am just running out of time
And I've got s*** I'm already working on I don't need extra work

So I said you know I'm going to say this in the nicest way I can
But you know if you can have a box with you then as you see the things that you think need to go into a box you could just put them into a box

It's less work for you because you don't have to keep walking back and forth to the bookcase

And it isn't really necessary for me to be the one to fill all the boxes