Friday, August 19, 2022

I'm about to look in a box that's marked decks

I don't know why my mom has a bunch of tarot decks or whatever
As far as I know she doesn't read tarot cards or believe in tarot cards
My mother helped me move in 2000
And I am still finding things that somehow didn't make it out of her van into my apartment
Which is weird
I mean there was a plate and a cup that I got back a few years ago from her that I had asked her hey you know I'm missing this plate
Have you seen it and then you know I don't know 15 years later or something it shows up

So I don't know whether she just randomly you know pilfers things like a magpie
Or exactly what the deal is
But I have a tarot deck I've been all through my stuff and this tarot deck I bought it in the '90s and it's been missing for some amount of time I did not think it had been missing since 2000 but I can't swear to that
Because I just don't really remember the last time I saw it
But it's out of print
And I've tried to buy another one but I haven't been able to find one for less than $500

And I'm really hoping that it's in this box

So fingers crossed