Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Okay I finished that book even though I stretched it out as much as I could
My paperbacks are not here yet
Although I think at least one of them is supposed to be here before 10:00 tonight
But I went ahead and bought the what am I on the fourth one now
Blood Hina

The third one was good
I'm still not sure it was as good as the first one
But I did not know that there was a large community of Okinawan Peruvians
So I learned something today
Well not really today that's a South Park reference

I tried to start my car and it wouldn't even start with the jump starter thing
So I called AAA and they came out and tried to jump it although the guy wasn't jumping it with the car he was jumping it with a larger version of the kind of jump thing that I used
And that wouldn't start at either so I was like really concerned cuz I think you get one jump and one tow a year
But I'm not 100% sure if they do that in a calendar year or if they do it in your membership year or how exactly they do it but I was concerned
I don't really want to get my car towed if I could get it jumped but then I didn't want to have them come out try to jump it go nope doesn't work so then have to use the tow so I use up all my stuff in one go I didn't want to do that
Maybe you get two jumps in a tow I don't remember
So the guy came out and he's like no it's not working but then he's like but let me put a new battery in it and see if it starts because then we'll know if it's the battery or if it's something more serious and I'm like well if the battery works can I keep the battery and he's like well if you pay for it

But I hadn't realized that it was a service where they would jump you or they could replace your battery so I was very happy about that I mean I could get a cheaper battery for sure but this is supposed to be a 6-year battery and they'll just replace it for free for 3 years and then after the 3 years you have like a you know amortized whatever
But I mean having somebody come out and put a battery into your car is kind of a premium service so even if it costs a little bit more than the least you could buy a battery for I think that's totally appropriate
So I got a new battery
And I went I went and got my car inspected
I went and got the registration renewal thing
And I mean that was basically all the stuff I was dreading the whole month of October

Today I'm going to go vote
And then I'm going to go get my booster
It's supposed to just be walk-in so I don't have an appointment so I suppose something could go wrong but I don't think it will
And I'm getting that at the HEB
Where I will also buy groceries
And then I imagine I'm going to be kind of wiped after that

I love you sweetheartπŸ’‹