Friday, November 12, 2021

Okay that was a lot of sleeping
I had kind of strange dreams but they were better
Sure I had more dreams than this but these are the ones I remember

I was walking through this kind of I don't know museum art gallery something
And I was looking at all these different kind of things
For suburban takes it somewhere sculptures and some weren't installations I mean it was just a variety of things like in a museum
And I don't really remember specifics on any of it except for one thing
I was sitting down and having coffee or tea or something with somebody who I knew in the dream but I didn't know in real life
And this young woman like I don't know late teens early twenties comes up to me and says she just heard a lecture about my work and she loves my work and like thank you for my contribution and she can't believe she's seeing me and all this kind of stuff and I'm like I really don't know what you're talking about I really didn't do anything worth of that
About apparently in the dream I did
I was somehow a foundational contributor to women's something
And it made me feel good even though I didn't really understand even in the dream how it was possible

Then I had another one My Aunt Joan again this had the sunburst house in it but outside like the whole well for sure the whole neighborhood but probably a lot further than that The ground was all distorted and uneven and I mean it looked like I don't know like it had been melted by something really really hot somehow
It was all like kind of an alien landscape
And I don't know if I was a kid or if it was something wrong with me or what the hell but she was taking me to the doctor or trying to and I think it was something to do with my foot or my leg or something
But she was having a hard time walking across the yard to get to the car which is parked on the street The street was still there but there weren't any like driveways or sidewalks or anything the earth had swallowed that all up I think
There were a lot more details about what everything looked like and why it was like that but I don't remember them

And there was another one where there were I was so like a magic bus kind of but it didn't really look like a bus it looked more like a an SUV or a personnel carrier or something it was not so much like a bus
But we were loading it all up snacks and when it would go it didn't just go down the street it went someplace else and the word ventures to be had
But then it wasn't so much like we went on an adventure as maybe there was some sort of montage or something I don't know
It was more about the fact that this was a thing then about actually doing the thing
And then
I was laying in bed
And I think there was something wrong with me maybe I just had a headache I'm not sure
There were a bunch of people preparing to go on the magic bus and I don't know whether I was trying to rest up so I could go with them or whether I was not going to go because I didn't feel good
But my daughter runs in and jumps in the bed with me
And she's like maybe six
And I can't really tell you what she looks like
She has shoulder length kind of bronzy blonde hair and she's kind of average height and weight for her age
Just got kind of a pouty bottom lip I guess cuz she's pouting but you know kids that age don't have very developed features anyway so I don't know I guess she looks like I looked more or less when I was her age
But she runs in and she jumps on the bed
And she's very upset because things are not going well with some aunt or grandmother or somebody who's trying to get ready and this is doing it fast enough for is having some problem
And she's like
olds should not be allowed to go
So I start trying to explain to her how you know everybody's got their own way of doing things in their own speed and their own capabilities and she's just you know moving it a lot faster speed than everybody else and so it's frustrating to her that other people aren't going at the same speed as her but that doesn't make their speed wrong
And I get it I understand
But I try to get her to calm down
Get her focus on something other than her frustration