Friday, November 5, 2021

Guess what
I was very crampy this morning when I went to bed and I was like well I don't know what that's about
But now and this is like I don't know almost 24 hours later
I went to the bathroom and there's blood
Not just like a little tinge of blood but like you know full on blood
So I'm having a period I think
And that's kind of exciting
I mean I was just thinking how much I don't miss them
And wondering if I was ever going to have one again cuz she know if you go full year without a period then that means you're menopaused
But I had one in January
And the one I had before that was the previous February
So this one's actually closer together because it's like I don't know 10 months instead of 11 months but whatever

I just thought that was noteworthy