Saturday, September 7, 2019

i stayed home sick today
i'm not sure how sick i am
it might be mostly exhaustion
i've got a promo change wednesday
and i'm trying to get everything moved around
i moved a lot of case stacks yesterday
and i expected to be sore
when i woke up
it felt more like i had a cold

i've had a bad cough lately
it all might be allergies and exhaustion
but i called out sick anyway

which was how i found out about that one thing
almost an hour before hand

i made another version of vegan mac + cheese
instead of the butternut squash
i used three red bell peppers--  tiny ones from the imperfect produce
my original plan had been to stuff them
but they were too small

also i used more smoked paprika
and some cumin
and less mustard

it came out very nacho cheese-y

i tried stirring it
and stopping while it still had a wet texture
which looks better
it doesn't taste better
it tastes the best when it's dry
and it's a little too brown to look pretty

the ides of march thing has me confused
so i'm not sure how to cook that
temperature control
or free-style
to make everything come out right

and the aliens might be sloping around
just outside the window
and the government might be reading my brain
tin foil hats all round

goodnight sweetheart
i love you very much