i had a very detailed dream
let me back up a bit
i've been trying to get more sleep
because i feel like shit and i thought it might help
when i sleep a long time though
i tend to wake up with my back all jacked up
that's not a lot of incentive
i'm kinda on an alternating thing this week
and i think it's stimulating dreams
i woke up the other day
and i remembered i dreamed about genocide
but then i couldn't remember any of the details
so last night
there was this viral video
the most viral part of the viral video
was this spasmodic blinking
eyelashes caked with mascara
it became this alien looking thing
then there were these signs
they were pretty big
in front of this house
kinda shaped like tombstones
i don't remember what they said
but i tend not to be able to read things in dreams anyway
first it was one person
maybe they were talking about being a monster of some sort
or maybe they were talking about this place they lived
and there was a bunch of speculation
was it real
or was it like a "project"
so then
there started to be a bunch of them
with the signs
and the blinking spasmodic eye thing
like ostensibly they had gone and joined up
and the signs were in "the yard"
and the blinking thing was with them
it became like a chain video, sort of
and so
i had to go and find out
what was what
and it was delinium texas
and i got into some kind of trouble