Friday, April 20, 2018

so, now that i'm looking at my hand i'm shocked to discover something else

my fate line
has always been ify
first I thought I didn't have one
then I realized that was just because
I had pieces
that maybe counted as a "line"
or maybe didn't
I wasn't sure
there seemed to be good stuff
with the star on my Saturn mount
so I figured maybe
I'd get it all together some day
ya know how the attachment line
it's lighter
like it's just drawn in
I got that on my fate line now too
which I really don't get
does that mean
like, retroactively
I was really doing everything right?
it's a really pretty curving line
it makes a triangle in the branch of my headline and it hooks up with my heartline right before the star
maybe that means
the star is unconnected to my fate
maybe it turns out to be bad
I don't think so