Tuesday, August 8, 2017

well, now the interwebs seem to be down

using phone
but without home network
hopefully this will right itself
if not it may be a few days
getting back to normal
I planned out a bunch
of stuff to do
for health/spiritual practice
I'm not sure if i do the regular stuff
on off days
I was thinking no
I don't have enough otherwise
I don't think
since I'm still a little
under the weather
probably take it a little easy tomorrow
don't know what that means
probably need the detox

my plan is to do the detox
until I've learned the 8 thingies
and then maybe replace
that might take a while
I mean, it's only 8
so not forever
I was gonna do tai chi
then I realized qigong is taoist
how cool is that
I'm trying to find the exercise I want
for off days
it's not more Pilates with her
I find her a little irritating

I hope you're happy with me
I feel a little confused
about the last
at least month
and really
since April
I mean
still, like, huh