Tuesday, August 29, 2017

i didn't actually get to see the sun

i did see light
and a blue sky
and tonight

you've no idea

no work again tomorrow
and metro is still shut down

my legs are not lookin so good
from all the lack of movement
perhaps i've been eating more salt as well
but i've been sleeping erratically
probably missing doses
but whatever
i'm a little worse for wear

i'm going for a walk
i'm not sure how far i'm going
it feels a little weird to go outside

i'm not going to the grocery store
at least i don't think i am
i think that's too crazy still
i was planning to walk to the convenience store
i'm low on half and half for coffee
which they will not have
that's really the only supply i'm low on
but they might have milk, which will work fine
they might have donuts
or cheetos
i'm craving those pretty hard

that's not much of a walk

so i'm trying to think what else to do
i could survey the neighborhood for damage
i could look for and open coffee shop
i don't want to drive anywhere

i'm not going to a shelter to volunteer
i kind of want to
i'm not going to
i'm going to focus on getting back to normal

i told dennis i'd work 10a-4p
and i told my mother i'd go to dinner with her