i used to play this game occasionally
the sims
it was never all that successful
i liked to build characters
i liked to build environments
houses and whatnot
i could never really get the character's shit together
and, at that point
i felt like it was some sort of
life effigy
if i could get it together
that was a sign
or something
so one day
i said:
i'm just gonna have one character
in a tiny house
i'm not gonna date
i'm not gonna try to have friends
i'm just going to have a lone character
in a small house
who's a writer
so i created
rose firmament
she wrote a book
and it wasn't very successful
but she hadn't really practiced writing or anything
so, she did that, before she wrote another one
and she hit it out of the park
she was pretty happy
years went by
i'm not sure how
or why
but one day she met this guy
and the plan changed
for some reason
she hooked up with him
and they ended up married
my previous sims adventures had not happened that way
and i had planned to keep her single
because the relationships
and babies
had not worked for me before
this game
this game i had planned to keep simple
so they were married
so now
i could see his life goals and such
[cause they show up on your bar when they join your household]
and his lifetime goal was to have six children
in a normal sims scenario
not a big problem
but she was already kinda old for the time needed for six
but she loved him i guess
and i wanted them to have a really happy life
so i used up all her saved points
and i got them both fertility treatments
and she had
i forget now
either three sets of twins
or two sets of triplets
it was freakin nuts
and rose hired a lot of babysitters
just to help out
but she did occasionally leave the kids alone with the babysitter
and one of the stole one of her toddlers
she was distraught
i was distraught
i thought that her man's dream could never come true
and i was horrified and grieving the loss of the baby
that was the end of the babysitters
she just kicked it into high gear
and took care of the five remaining kids
like a pro
she couldn't write as much
but she had already got some royalty checks coming in
and her husband was a coach i think
they were doing ok
they didn't have much
and they didn't move into a bigger house
they just added a little as absolutely necessary
in fact
for their whole lives
their bed was in the open room downstairs
that had been her original writer's shack
one day when the kids were six or so
when she had given up hope that she could ever provide
elusive sixth kid
some guy came over
low and behold
it was her husband's grown son
he'd had one with somebody else before, hallelujah
you've got to get them all through school
she had to get crackin
because her life goal was to be like an acclaimed writer
or something
and she had to write a certain number of books
across several categories
and have some number of successful books
and blah blah blah
they were happy
and the kids were happy
they both met their life goals
in fact
one of the younger kids went into sports
and the dad started coaching him
and died
of old age
while coaching him, i think
and then his ghost went right on coaching him
rose died within a few months of takaro
[i'm pretty sure his name was takaro]
and then her ghost hung out there too
i was really sad that they died
but they had great lives
and they lived to be older than any of the other sims
at least any i'd ever had before
and i loved the house
i would have kept playing the kids
but it was just too many adults to juggle
and rose was the character i was attached to, really
and it's funny
because that was the successful game
rose firmament