Monday, December 19, 2011

the first night

i don't get this time of year
i mean
is whatever
and, i know i know, chanukah is not that
but it gets all blown up
it wants to compete
i can make a case about how it's an important statement
about religious freedom
and pride
and whatnot
i could
make a big production
about the miracle of the oil

don't get me wrong
i would totally use it
as religious grounds
for the need
to eat fried foods
if you want em]

i'm not feelin it

i like
the metaphor
and meaning
and spiritual development
of passover through shavuot
i feel those

i get how i should
but somehow don't
tisha b'av
rosh hashanah
yom kippur
simchat torah
as a cycle of destruction and renewal

sukkot i don't really get
but maybe that's because
thanksgiving already sort of does
whatever sukkot is supposed to do

but chanukah seems confused about what it is

i'm letting you field this one

i'm tempted to say:
it's all about the maccabees
jews are bad ass
if you buy presents
and pretend like it's christmas
the bad guys win

but i can't really get behind the miracle of the oil
that seems like it was just added on top
to make a military victory
a religious thing
it seems
like it waters it down
it's necessary
for the whole week of
latke bacchanalia

whatever you think/want
is fine with me