i was in school
i don't remember the details
[although, something about a ball field]
and then [something about first and second period]
then i think we must have gone on a field trip
or research venture
i was in some sort of museum
i was with someone i knew in the dream
we checked out a large box
in the box
was a collection of costume bits
i looked through them
until i found a green wig in a box
picture of a masked woman on the front
this is the one
i almost squealed with delight
i remember this from when i was a kid
in another part
i was in a panel of people being interviewed on a radio show
i was wearing a black blazer jacket
with only a flesh tone bra underneath
and i had this box around my neck
which was broadcasting directly to me from a man
who in the dream i knew
who was maybe an actor
i'm not sure
i felt slightly flirty towards him
the idea of personal transmissions between us
was almost more exciting than being on the panel
i was moving the box up and down
i'm not sure why
maybe to get comfortable
maybe it was a nervous energy thing
but the woman next to me
who looked like leslie ann warren in her heyday
looked at me and said:
are you giving him a show of your flabby wares
and i looked at her and said:
i hate you
now apparently
my i hate you was transmitted over the air
and later
this young college girl
came up to me
and told be how i had disillusioned her and all her
young impressionable friends
who so admired me and my work
and how could i
and i just wondered:
had i said i fucking hate you
or was all this really all about my saying i hated someone
how fucking wholesome was i expected to be
but i felt bad anyway
poor girl
i worked at a store
they had directory kiosks
touch screen things in four locations throughout the main floor
but the headings seemed sort of random to me
and i wondered if i should sort them
so that each machine had like things
or if i should leave them random
because they all contained different information
although that didn't make much sense to me
i was sitting on a dirt road
out in the country
really really creepy
waiting with some guy i had worked with
to see what was going to happen
i don't know if that had anything to do with the kiosks
i don't see how it could have
but he worked at that same place