Saturday, September 11, 2021

I did sleep 8 hours
I thought yesterday maybe I'd have something to say about 20-year anniversary of 9/11
But I find that I don't

I hope that you're doing okay
And that you're having fun
And being safe
The feeling like you know you're having more freedom than you've had for a while
Not like
Holy crap what's going on

I hear Trump is doing commentary on some fights tonight and that seems about right
You know disrespectful
Do you think you realized it was September 11th that he was doing the fight commentary on
I mean I know w did a speech today I didn't hear it but he did a speech in Pennsylvania for the plane crash site
I gather he made some comments about
Americans needing to come together and be one group of people
And although I still haven't forgiven him
And I feel like a lot of the s*** Trump was allowed to get away with was legacy of w
I certainly am glad that he's not supporting white supremacists
I don't know
It just seems like it's all been downhill since Reagan
But then I suppose
If I was a little older
It might have been all downhill since Nixon

And probably that's not a productive game to play anyway

I can't believe how late in the year it is already

Kind of sad to remember I don't like pumpkin spice lattes anymore
It was cool to look forward to that
But they're gross

My head hurts
And there's a storm brewing in the Yucatan

And I dreamed that I had ordered a bagel delivery and then been sent some sort of a thing saying true or false I want a bagel delivery
And I wasn't very awake and so somehow I falsified my bagel delivery
And I didn't get any bagels
And I was sad

And I woke up with a song stuck in my head but it isn't a real song so I guess I wrote it in my sleep but it wasn't very good
And now I can't remember
It mostly used a word that is in a real word it was the kind of like I don't know it was sing-songy
And it was the something or other man
But it wasn't a word it was
The Prespemonitory Man
Or something like that