Monday, September 13, 2021

I slept for a while
But I didn't remember to tell you
But I had this remarkable dream
I'm not sure maybe once before in my life I've had a dream like this but I'm not even sure about that

So it was the end of semester
But I was on top of it
For my English class I just had a paper and I was going through the book that I was going to use and Mark an off all the quotes pages
The other classes I was studying I had a schedule
I had food prepped so I could just take it out of the refrigerator and read it I didn't have to spend any time cooking
I was completely convinced
Then I had everything under control

And to tell you the truth
When I was actually in college
I had a system where I felt like I pretty much had everything under control and I got good grades you know I mean it's a stress dream it doesn't reflect my actual experience

So I don't know
Is my subconscious trying to tell me I've got this
Because I don't really feel like there's any aspect of my life right now that I've really you know got

I'm not super worried
But at the same time I am kind of super worried
So I don't know maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me that the vitamin d is going to fix all my problems

I don't know I'm just super impressed by that dream

Actually maybe I feel super prepared for storm I don't know
I don't have a sense that this is going to be as bad a flooding as Harvey but I don't know
But as long as it doesn't get in the house I think I'm prepared for everything short of that
And there isn't any way to really prepare for having water in your house

I need to check the weather again but it wasn't even a hurricane as of the last time I checked but of course here the hurricane isn't the problem it's the rain so I mean Harvey was a hurricane but the hurricane didn't hit us it was the tropical storm f***** us up

Allison wasn't a hurricane at all it was a tropical storm that just stalled over us for a long period of time

Anyway I'm off to listen to the weather