Thursday, September 2, 2021

Well on Sunday night I didn't get a lot of sleep
So then I slept a lot on Tuesday
And then I couldn't sleep at all on Tuesday night so I didn't get any sleep before I went to the studio Wednesday
And I thought well since I'd been up all night and I didn't get any sleep that then I would be super sleepy and I would go to sleep tonight
And there was a point when I was sitting down and I was kind of nodding off in the chair but then I got my second wind and so I'm still up so I've been up for
Like 34 35 hours maybe

I have all these images
But they don't really I mean I have to figure out a way to fit them into the story they don't really fit into the story they could fit into the story
But I'm more interested in the images than I am about trying to make them fit into the store

And the sky is falling and the world is falling apart and you were right about my thoughts regarding that one thing

And there's a book that I read years ago called Brand New Cherry flavor I may have mentioned it at some point and when I was working on my story I was thinking man I'd really like to get a little of that kind of feeling and I think I still have the book somewhere but I can't find it so maybe I don't
And I went to look on audible to see if they had it and they didn't have it when I was first thinking about it so actually maybe I was thinking about that before I even started writing my story cuz it was probably like a month ago that I looked to see if they had it maybe a little bit longer I don't know and they didn't

But then in my Twitter feed it just came up hey if you need something to watch there's this show on Netflix called brand new chair flavor and I was like you know the universe is just I mean it's answering a lot of my simple demands or simple requests or simple desires you know I mean like the things like I would like for the sky to not fall I would like for it not to be apocalypse I would like to still be living in a democracy
You know those things it doesn't seem to be doing anything about
But if I say man I'd really like to read brand new cherry flavor
Which is out of print
Then it produces a whole Netflix series
So then when I found out it was Netflix series I went and looked on audible and now they have it
And they have one on eBay that still has a couple more days to go and it's up to $83 for a trade paperback
So I mean assuming I could find it and wanted to sell it I could probably get you know roughly that amount for it
I don't really want to sell it though

But whatever the Netflix series I've watched all about the last two shows and it is not like the book in almost every particular and yet somehow is the same story

Which is tricky to do
I mean people have been making books in a movies as long as there have been movies being made which is a long time and they frequently make changes from the book to the movie

And I mean it's almost inevitable because there are so many things that a book can do that a movie can't do and so many things that a movie can do that a book can't do that I mean you really have to translate it to the medium and try to get the feeling the same but like you know if there's a lot of you know dialogue narration
When you can have a voiceover but you know that's not something that is really desirable unless you're doing a particular kind of gumshoe mystery right

And this book had a lot of things that ideally needed to be changed because it's in the era of me too now
So like in the book she's working for a movie producer and she's trying to get I think she's trying to get a director job and he keeps promising her and she's been sleeping with him for years and he just keeps promising and promising but then he never makes good on his promises and this time he said for sure and she believed him for some reason and then somebody's niece was promised something and there's no room for her
And she's kind of like you know I've been sleeping with this guy for years and he's just stringing me along right well that wouldn't fly now because the idea that she's knowingly you know sleeping with him and participating in this corrupt system that really shouldn't be that is degrading to women and probably to men as well but you know it's the women who are going to get upset about it mostly I mean they don't want to do that in an alien ate their audience from the start

Besides then it calls into question whether she really is you know any good and ready to do it and all that kind of stuff you know
And in this show she's this young woman who's just kind of hit town with this incredible short film you know that's just blowing everything up and whatever and she wants to get her film made and the guy gives her contract and she signs it and she's supposed to be directing it and then he says no I'm going to have somebody you know who's already paid their dues directed and he's not cutting her out exactly she could still be involved in the process but she hadn't got any interest in that she wants to direct her film and she feels like it's being taken away from her

So in the first book in the book she was not a sympathetic character really she was kind of an auntie hero and I kind of liked that You know that she was only maybe marginally better than the bad guys and then she goes and does all this bad s*** and then is she better than the bad guys no she's worse in the bad guys right but it was an interesting story and I liked the the darkness and the grittiness and the supernaturalness

And she doesn't believe in the supernaturalness at the beginning and she slowly comes to believe it through a series of things that happen to her

Well in this Netflix series I don't want to spoil it so I'm not going to tell you too much but she's got all this like dark baggage
Which I haven't seen the end so I don't know how it reveals but and also the magic person I'm not sure that they labeled the magic person as a brujo or a you know wizard or anything like that I don't think they specified exactly but it was a man and they're all these particular things that happen and they're all changed in the show it's a woman not a man but then it turns out well I don't want to tell you something
And some things get conflated and some things just get changed and yet somehow it still has the same flavor you know

And so as I'm watching it I'm like man I still want this I want this kind of dark and it's kind of a mystery I mean I guess you'd have to call it a mystery but there's not a detective and there are a lot of elements of horror or something

But it isn't a horror show
I really like it

But I have all these images she falls asleep or maybe not asleep but she lays her head down and it kind of melts and congeals around this hammer and then she has a hammer like embedded in her head
And there's this cylindrical maybe it's a fish tank or maybe it's some kind of a tube coming up through the floor to the ceiling that's got some sort of creature in it it's maybe like an octopus

And there's this it's like a it's more like a big brochure than an album but it has pictures of her mother on some sort of trip and on some of the pictures when you like do whatever the technological equivalent for this brochure like you put your hand over a picture or something and it becomes like a short video clip but it's still playing in the slick paper so I guess that's kind of like Harry Potter but not exactly

I just I feel very out of sorts
Kind of depressed
I don't have any faith in the Democrats
I want them to get their s*** together and stop the Republicans from doing what they're doing
The next time they're not going to need to have an insurrection they're just going to change the votes
If the Democrats don't get this s*** together then it's not going to matter who really wins in 2024 because it's going to be the Republican

And you know it's already too late for global warming you know we can't just take some measures and everything's going to be fine we're way past that point
Now we're at the point where if we don't take some pretty serious measures it's going to be apocalypse 24/7

So I'm sorry I'm doing a very bad job of talking to you and giving you companionship and whatnot but I'm not very good company right now

Anyway I couldn't sleep at all last night I'm hopeful that I'll be able to sleep tonight but I don't know

I love you sweetheart πŸ’‹ 