Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The wind has been howling
It's been raining off and on
Store made landfall a couple hours ago
Near some place called Sargent
I swear to God in Texas
There are so many towns that I've never heard of
Sergeant isn't too far from palacios
I think it's about halfway between palacios and Freeport
That's what it looked like on the map

So I've been having liquid
I had some kind of exciting sounding tea that's called chaguar
Or something like that
It's made with chaga and some kind of leaf
It's Siberian
It tastes okay
But I was kind of hoping that it would be more tasting like chaga and I could add it to my root blend
Anyway whatever I kind of want coffee and cinnamon rolls
Then I had smoothie
The first one
I have this box of baby kale leaves
And I thought I would test out this thing I'm always hearing oh you can mix greens into your smoothie and you don't even taste it but I think they use spinach which has a lot less flavor
No I am not a fan of kale generally but that's more of a texture thing
If you cook the kale for a long long time then it just kind of takes on a mustard green collard green kind of vibe but I'm just not sure that it's super healthy like maybe you're cooking out all the goodness if you're cooking it that long you know and since I actively like collard greens and I'm kind of meh about kale
It just doesn't seem worthwhile to bother with the kale cuz it's not like Kayla's really healthier

But I discovered that I like the baby kale because it doesn't have that really hard texture and it's got a little more flavor than you know lettuce so it's nice to mix in so from the imperfect I got a head of romaine and a red cabbage and a box of baby kale and I was going to make salads but I thought I would try it out in the smoothie
So I jammed a bunch of kale in there and through a few pieces of frozen peach but not very many right like not as much as a whole peach and a big scoop of coconut yogurt
And the coconut yogurt it tastes good but it doesn't taste like yogurt but this coconut yogurt is really thick and it's really creamy and again it doesn't taste like yogurt I don't like it for yogurt but it would maybe work for cream cheese schmeer
I would say sour cream but again it's not very tart
So it's good but just not in that context so I'm trying to find a context for it
And I thought well you know smoothie it'll be good in the smoothie right so along with the kale and the not enough peach I put a scoop of coconut yogurt and some water and blend it all up

And it was as a smoothie
Pretty vile
But I think it's going to be the basis for a new salad dressing because it was very similar to like a green goddess dressing it just made me needed a couple of more ingredients right
And I like green goddess dressing I mean it's you know I prefer kind of a well and vinegar type action
But I mean this could be a really good salad dressing that you just mix up and pour on your salad right That's not full of oil

But really gross as a smoothie
I mean you wouldn't want to be drinking a big glass of salad dressing

But I drank it cuz I wasn't going to dump it down the sink and I was pondering what it needed as a salad dressing and whatever I don't know I probably should have just saved it to use as a salad dressing but I drink it

And then I got a little hungry later and I decided I was going to make a tasty smoothie
So I pretty much filled it up with frozen peaches and then I stuck a banana in there and threw a little orange juice and some water
And I wasn't sure the bananas were a good idea but they just looked very appealing to me I haven't had a banana for a long time

Haha appealing sorry that was not intended

Anyway so I had the smoothie and I don't know I got kind of light-headed like there was too much sugar in it or something except that I don't normally have that issue right so I don't know if it was simultaneously you know the storm moving in and giving me a headache or what but now I'm not so sure about the bananas that might just be too much sugar
Although I mean I had coffee and cookies the other day and that didn't cause me any problem

So I don't know

I might go see if any of my avocados are ripe but I bet they're not avocados just never want to ripen for me in fact although I love avocados and would normally eat an avocado every single day
I've had a lot of problems with avocados that are not ripe and not ripe and not ripe and then rotten

It's like the pears
I think it's got to do with all the chemicals that they spray on things to keep them from ripening and then get them to ripen and whatever I think it makes them confused I think it'd be better if they were allowed to just ripen naturally but then I guess you got to be closer to the food

Avocados grow in California and Florida and Mexico and they probably grow in the valley here but they don't grow in Houston it's too humid I mean the plants will grow but they don't make fruit

When I said there wasn't any aspect of my life that I felt like I'd got I wasn't trying to be difficult or offensive
So if I came across that way I'm sorry

I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹