Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Look I just want to make sure you understand
When I say there's no aspect of my life that I feel like I've really got
That I realized now could sound different than how I meant it
What I mean is
I feel very like I don't really know what I'm doing
Like new mind
And the world seems very dangerous
I'm barely leaving my house still
I've been out to eat twice since I've been vaccinated
And not once since say mid-June
When the Delta number started climbing
I don't necessarily feel like I know what I'm doing in any capacity is what I mean
Not oh my God I'm miserable
Nothing is working
I don't believe in anything anymore
I don't mean that

I just mean that for my brain to be telling me now hey you got it Rose you're on top of it
Just seemed really strange
Because I don't feel like I really have any idea what's going on
But I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way
I mean like I said I'm not really worried
But I am worried
But I'm not worried about anything in particular I'm not like directing that you know
I just don't know where I'm going from here
In a lot of aspects of life

So I'm not like sending out a bat signal or anything I'm not freaking out I'm just surprised that my brain thinks that now is a time to say it's all good
When my anxiety level has been extra high
And I haven't been feeling well
And generally
I do not feel like I have my s*** together

Does that make sense