Thursday, October 10, 2019

the astros are doing well
and, you'd think, when they won a few years ago
that i would have forgiven them
and gone back to being an astros fan
i did not

when i quit them
i was done with them
and they're american league too
i don't think i can be a fan of an american league team
with all that fouling off
and designated hitters
and whatnot

i just followed hunter pence
well, not even intentionally
i was listening to the giants
because they had been your team
and they were doing well
even though they weren't your team anymore
and then there was hunter pence

but now he's gone to the rangers
i can't be a rangers fan
whatever rivalry you think los angeles and san franciso have
that is nothing compared to how houston and dallas feel about each other
not the teams
the cities

when i said i was going to dallas
everyone i told was like
dear god why would you go to dallas
when i floated the rangers thing by a few people
people i really trusted
they were like
just NO

i'm not an astros fan
and they are doing well again
and i haven't been to a baseball game in years

astros were leading in the bottom of the 5th

it's weird not to have a team

i mean, first world problems, but still

i ordered super weird pizza
i guess i'm a little app happy
i used my google assistant to help me navigate
instead of just crying and cussing a lot at my geographic dyslexia
i didn't have that available to me until this phone
i was resistant
but, i shouldn't have been

so anyway
door dash
i ordered this pizza
it's got spicy ranch--  instead of red sauce
which is weird
but i thought it sounded lighter
then i ordered:
bell peppers

now, i don't believe pineapple belongs on pizza
i think it's an aberration
i love grilled pineapple
it wasn't bad
it wasn't quite grilled enough
it wasn't really much like pizza
it was more of a flat bread
but i guess that's what i wanted
just with caramelized pineapple and jalapeno
which was also a little mild

they're still leading mid 8th
still leading bottom of the 8th
sorry, got distracted by computer baseball

i have been thinking
finding an open mic for stand up
idk if that's a good idea or not
but it seems to have taken root

kick ass
it looks like rudyard's has open mic on mondays
that would be too