Thursday, October 31, 2019

So I guess I should have said happy Halloween at some point but I wasn't really thinking about Halloween exactly
And I guess I was at some point but then I wasn't

So hopefully you're doing well

And hopefully I haven't done anything upset you

I guess I'm feeling kind of paranoid and it's cold here like really really cold

But I'm afraid to turn on the heater because I'm having this premonition that if I turn on the heater it's going to do that thing where it's got dust in it that catches on fire and it's reminding me about that time my house burned down

well technically it was the neighbor's house that burned down I just had structural damage and really bad electrical smoke but it was still very traumatic and I had to move and I did lose almost everything in my bathroom

So I just have like five blankets on the bed and the kitty wasn't very happy but the insulation is pretty good here so it's not nearly as cold inside as it was outside

Anyway I hope you're having lots of excitement and I love you very much