chile kinda kicked spana's ass
i learned bicycle
i've got a really solid feeling for what's a faul
and that's not nothing i guess
they don't wear padding
except shin guards
your shins are apparently the only thing that needs protecting
they don't, or they don't all
seem to wear
i think i saw junk, i was not looking for junk
we talked about soccer injuries
from her broken nose
a friend's father's metal cheek bone
soccer is a real sport
injury time
at one point
i said to her
it looks to me as though
spain is playing a completely defensive game
trying to keep chile from scoring
but they're down two
they need to be trying to make goals
they don't seem to have a plan
the players seem too scattered
is that right
yes, she said
they don't have [i forget his name] this year
and nobody seems to want to step up
and at the goal box
there should be like three of them where there's one guy alone
so i guess
i have a general feel
oh, yeah, and they wear bright shoes
and the spanish fans are great
they would get all excited
and then
some of them had girlfriends who didn't care
and they just kept on smiling
because their trip wasn't being completely fucked up
while spain was being eliminated early
after winning last time
she was still gonna get to shop
[i swear i saw it on their faces]
everybody doesn't play everyone else
there is some sort of seeding
or something
she didn't really know
i'm back to not really knowing anything there
i want to know
does it make me bad, somehow
that i think i could like women's soccer
but i don't really see myself bothering with the men's
should i have asked that question
i love you