and I had a bunch of dreams
but I just remember bits
I remember analyzing my dreams
maybe one of the times I got up to pee
thinking: march march, april march
lots of stuff about marching
I was driving with someone
we were looking for the best Mexican restaurant
but we only had an hour for lunch
we weren't going to stop
but then we did
and we ordered
to go
but then
this plate was in front of me
and I was eating it
I think it was squid
it looked like squid
it was amazing
and enormous
I ate and ate
and then this girl said:
that's not yours you know
and there was some problem
how would I compensate the person
whose food I'd just eaten
and I'd probably be in trouble for the two hour lunch
there was some crisis
the father figure was missing
I was on the phone
with someone
and we were safe
some chick was telling me
we had to disconnect
move the phones
I was driving
down a street I recognize
it's in my dream city
and one side was all under construction
somehow, hard to explain
nothing was closed
you could still drive
but there was a wooden frame
barricade-like structure all along the sidewalk
I stopped to get coffee
when I went to pay
the dm who made me quit
was standing there
telling the cashier:
we're splitting it
ok, said the cashier, five dollars
he didn't have a register
I said, yeah, I think mine's less than five, actually
and the cashier hands me a big wad
of folding money
and says: fine, figure it all out, then give it back to me
I refuse to take it
five is actually fine, I guess
I don't know
these seem kinda stressed out to me
my head hurts
it's raining really hard now
so maybe it's a pressure change headache
I love you
hope you are happy and healthy