we meet out front
the courtyard fresh and lively
with young people out for the evening
how have you been, i ask
well, you answer
like we were civilized people
but the whole evening is alive
the air humming
and we
we shall eat
i brought you here
because i liked it so much
when i imagined eating with you here before
small plates
shall we get
with wine
and we shall see how much we can eat
because tonight is not so much about the fantasy
tonight is about the earthiness
the comfort
the camaraderie
perhaps we shall even talk, a bit
how do you feel, i ask with a soul searching look
how do you feel about roasted garlic spread onto thick warm bread
what is your position on the merits of mac and cheese
waitress, please
bring us plates of olives, salty and divine
i must know
my heart is fairly bursting
how flagrant, how indiscriminate
is your love of cheese