Thursday, February 10, 2022

the continuing saga

So I got up at a little bit before 2:00 and I laid in the bed until 2:00 or I guess I laid in the bed until 5:00 after 2:00 to make sure I was awake so I'm awake and there's a way in which this definitely feels more right but it just still feels very exhausted
I don't understand how I can have 12 hours of sleep on top of 12 hours of sleep on top of 12 hours of sleep and still be exhausted that just doesn't seem like it ought to be possible

I managed to grind the coffee correctly
So there was no big ordeal I mean I know how to do it I just don't that makes sense

It's just not strong enough
It's worth putting up with all the b******* to get the stronger coffee
I've had this model coffee maker for a while but they changed it like this is technically the third one and the first two were great they had a strong feature
Just made the water drip slower and so it extracted more from the coffee and it came out good but then it broke during the pandemic and I ordered a replacement which I thought was going to be exactly the same as the previous two models but this one doesn't have the strong feature and it just is not the same