Wednesday, February 9, 2022


All right I woke up at 4:00
Or I guess really 355
Kylie in the bed for about 25 minutes 30 minutes seeing if I would go back to sleep and I did not so I got up
And I have made coffee
And that's really all I've done
I peed
I encourage the cat to eat out of his already pretty full bowl
And I made coffee
However it grounded a little too fine because I actually like my coffee strong and the coffee machine that I have doesn't really accommodate that
So if you grind it just a little too far and it all backs up and makes a huge mess so have actually taken it all out and strained it and cleaned the counter and I cleaned the carafe and put it all back in and brewed the rest of the coffee
Also since I anticipated having to do that and since I wanted to get coffee as soon as it was available I stood in the kitchen while the coffee was brewing so I didn't exactly multitask

It's not like I hop out of bed and become instantly productive I'm not a morning person
It's perhaps a little bit better when I get up in the middle of the night
But not really much better
Also I missed 3:00 in the morning
Which I think is movie the best time of the morning
Although maybe more if you've been up like maybe that 10 to 3 stretch is the best

Anyway I hope whenever you breed this that you're having a good day
I love you very much sweetheart ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹