Friday, February 4, 2022

I had this amazing dream
Some sort of transformational ceremony
A little girl
Her heart was changed out somehow with a supernatural being
Had something to do with Frida kahlo
And then it was shopping
Not directly after I don't remember exactly directly after there was this whole thing about she was supposed to save everybody somehow
But then later she went shopping in this little lake I don't know not lake like Bodega type shop and they were these soda bottles they were opaque and they were shaped like fruit but like not like a piece of fruit like a stock of fruit like a stack of lemons and a stack of grapes really bright colors they were really bright colors in the whole dream
And in the ceremony there was something to do with her skirt it was it had a trim on it that was like a pleated ruffle somehow and that was black and white and blue and it was changed somehow during the ceremony I don't know I remember exactly
And then there was an attempt by the powers that be or something to find out the secrets of this group of people
And they left like I don't know fried chicken or something
And they were trying to get answers but the people ate the food and they didn't give them the answers
But the things they said were somehow in like thought bubbles or cartoons it was kind of strange
I'm pretty sure in a previous dream there had been a darkened movie theater
Somehow secrets and messages and groups of people interacting and secret ways
And then there was this long conversation
And I think it was between us
But I was the little girl and you were somebody in the dream did it look like you at all but I knew it was you somehow
And we were talking about the magic
And there were these balloons that came down and like went right through the sand I didn't land on the sand they just went straight through
And we were saying that we felt like that was part of the magic and if we could be sure that that really had happened it would make us feel better
Cuz there were all these like dire issues in the dream it was like a quest to save things
So we ran and found where the balloons had gone through the down into the sand and there were like shadows in the spots that were like kind of a hazy blue
That didn't kind of couldn't have come from anything real that would have been magic we figured

But there was a lot more that was a whole lot more
Whenever I have a dream that has that much use of color in it Alice figure it must mean something because mostly color doesn't factor in that much

Mostly your dreams are just sort of dreams but they aren't very specific about color or written things or whatever they mostly kind of gray and shadowy or maybe they're very very specific not shadowy but just don't have any sense of color because I guess dreams aren't exactly
I mean you have a sense of them and you see them but they're all happening in your head you're not really seeing them they're bits of pieces of perception and whatnot