I almost forgot to tell you what I dreamed
I worked I'm not really sure where it was
I think it was a coffee shop
But I wasn't currently really working there much because I had hurt my back
And a guy who was kind of like somebody I used to work with but not entirely he was like very overworked and his uncle had just died
Nobody seemed to understand that this guy's uncle was like the family member he was the closest to so even though it was like not his parents or his grandparents this was like his most important life person
And he had not been able to get off work for the funeral I think or something or no he maybe hadn't been able to get off work to go see him when he was sick and then he died suddenly or something so he was pretty broken up about it and I was like volunteering to work for him so he could get off
And there was some question about whether they were going to let me do that because of my back was hurt and I was maybe not Good enough to fill in for him
And then there were two other pieces that were all kind of going on simultaneously there was some sort of selling that was going on on Westheimer like whether Westheimer art festival used to be or something and this guy who was also kind of based on the same person but in the dream was a different person so this guy was like two different people somehow
He was getting into the car that I was in
And why I was in a car at this place when I wasn't working in my back was hurt I really don't know
But he kept getting into a car that I was in to do math on the roof of the car to figure out how much people owed or something and I'm like there's a calculator right here do you want to use this calculator because I mean he was writing on the the ceiling of the car and it was not fast and it was just weird
And somehow I knew that Jennifer was getting very frustrated with him she was in the dream I knew she was in the dream but I didn't ever see her
And I didn't really blame her for getting frustrated with him because what the hell I mean you can't just like run off and go sit in a car and do long division on the ceiling
And then I went to this location and it was a coffee shop so whatever it was I was working at this particular location was a coffee shop
Not anything that I really recognize from real life though
And this girl who kind of reminded me of across between several different people that I worked with I guess and maybe somebody from TV as well
She was asking me a bunch of questions about my manager who in this dream was based off someone who was never my manager but was someone I worked with and I'm like
Kam is a deeply loving and caring person
About the kind of people that she's deeply loving and caring about
It was all just this very circuitous not really saying anything but still not really making it sound like I liked her very much
Which I don't know why Kam was in it
I didn't really know her that well and I didn't really have that much of an opinion about her
She was someone who had managed a store before I managed it
And I had some kind of unpleasant repercussions based upon what she had told the employees about me when she didn't know me or maybe she hadn't told them anything maybe they just made their own conclusions I don't know
But the district manager had always been holding her up as you know look how great she's doing look how great she's doing she'd been moved to a more higher volume store but when we would do p&l reviews I was always like how she making that much profit that just does not seem right how are costs so low
And the DM was all like oh well she's just fabulous you need to be more like her and I was a new manager at that point so I mean I've been an assistant manager for a little while but I was a new manager and so I thought well you know maybe I'm just wrong about this but it just doesn't seem her numbers just don't seem like they are possible to be achieved but whatever what do I know
But then it turned out that the way she was achieving those numbers was she was kind of like backing out her coffee
Cuz the order and receiving at that point you could put in the computer they were always sending the wrong thing and so you could alter in the computer and say well it said they sent this but they didn't send this
And I guess the assumption was that nobody ever checked those but that was not the case
So apparently she was just like saying oh yeah I didn't get any espresso so she didn't have any cost for any of her espresso drinks which was predominantly what we made
And so she subsequently wasn't working there anymore My assumption is that she was fired but I don't actually know that
But I was always like yeah I didn't think that was possible but of course the district manager who didn't like me for some reason never came back and said hey you know you write about that because kam had been her favorite manager
And I was maybe her least favorite manager
So I don't know why in this dream this person was my manager
But the girl who was asking me questions about her she was based on several people that I didn't like particularly from that last place I worked and like I said maybe somebody from TV
And so I was telling her this stuff
That made it sound pretty much like I didn't like my manager and I was thinking as I was saying it this might not be too smart
You should maybe be doing a better job of lying
But I was just kind of thinking well you know nothing I'm saying it's bad so if she quotes me or anything it's fine and I'm like yeah but you know that's not the way this works right
So then after we got done with the little interview thing whatever that was about we were going to go getting her car and for some reason I got in her car before she got in her car she had to do something last minute I don't know what but anyway so we got in her car
Which was a cute little yellow car like maybe the size of those Fiats or mini coopers little little car
And it was yellow I don't know why that's important but it was yellow
So it got in the car and I like turned the key in the ignition and the car just started going
Which I don't know why I turned the key in the ignition but I did not expect to start going
So I had to like I was in the passenger seat but I had to like somehow get control of the car and get it to stop and repark it
So when she came out and got in the car and the car was in a different spot obviously
And so I explained to her that I had turned the key in the ignition the car it started going and I had to like get it under control and everything and she was like well you know that's not cool
I'm like well I'm sorry I got it under control I didn't hurt the car
And she's like oh it's a good thing you didn't hurt the car
But then there was some more after that and I don't really remember what it was
Something about apartments
And the way she had her apartment decorated
And pastries stocks and stocks of like pies and things
I don't really know
It was weird
It's still really really cold
And I have a headache
And I'm very congested
And I do not know what that was all about
But that part where I was driving the car and it was kind of trying to go around in circles in this little tiny parking lot I was kind of scary