Thursday, January 24, 2019

Free Association List 01/24/19 [edited]

what is galaxy brain

why a trans-ban?  don't ask don't tell vs. Truman--  moral questions of inclusivity in the military

i need to pay to get full access to washington post and paris review

washington post has been my favorite newspaper since i went on a trip to d.c. to see georgia o'keefe with my mom and there was a word i didn't know in the piece i was reading at breakfast

placeholder for the thing i was thinking 'you've really gotta write that down' 'why, it isn't current' 'no but you're thinking about it so it's pertinent'--  which i now cannot remember

hunt for orange october

spy in the house of love--  trump as russian asset--  he didn't think he would win, maybe was (in addition to playing with the alt-right to set up media empire) trying to close russian real estate deal and got hoodwinked into being russian puppet

someone described the wall as a series of burning crosses stretching along the border

the wall as symbol in campaign, wasn't quite the immediate security crisis last year.  motivations for the shutdown, unstated possibilities

  • to look tough for his base--  in which case why isn't he declaring emergency and using DOD $ to fund thewall 
  • to distract from the muller investigation (which seemed to be snowballing)
  • to impede the FBI investigation (federal workers)
  • to destabilize the government--  why is that desirable?
  • why would russia want to u.s. destabilized at this time?