Sunday, May 27, 2018

i hope you're doing ok
i miss you

i was going to tell you about my dream
but then i got busy with other things
and my stove is broken
of course
because it's a holiday week-end
so it'll be tuesday before i can get it fixed

just now
i thought i could write it to you now
and then i couldn't remember
and then
i sort of remember
i'll tell ya what i got

i was working in an office
it was next to other offices
it was set up at or like maybe a motel
or maybe my second grade school
where you walk along outside
and there are rooms next to one another
i think this was on the second floor

and i was compiling this broadsheet newspaper thing
like the full opened out newspaper
but just one page
and it was all about
i think
how hawaii was so influential
in current trends
and i was compiling it for someone
but i'm not sure who
it was like my job or something
maybe i worked for a magazine
there was a password for the room
it was wind
and someone kept walking back and forth outside the door
i would say wind
and they would say no week
and i was like
week is next door
stop trying to confuse me

very important makeup trend
80s blushes in peach and plum

don't know
what any of that means