Monday, May 7, 2018
the whole "pro-life" "pro-choice" labeling
is propaganda
if you are for enforced gestation
morality legislation
if you care deeply about the sanctity of human life
either of those things gets you in one camp
if you are for the right to safe medical options in pregnancy termination
I want to fuck a woman and have my responsibility not exceed a few hundred dollars
then you fall in the other camp
they are bullshit terms
which allow a complicated issue
to suddenly become
a simple thing
are you a murder because you kill fetuses
or because you blow up clinics
if we really cared about the
stuff these propagandists imply
we'd be working on
how to get the fetuses
transplanted into people who want children
and support services
for women who want to keep their babies
but can't afford them or know they won't be able to achieve their dreams and goals if saddled with a child
I haven't met many women who had abortions who really seemed like they thought it was a choice
I haven't met a "pro-lifer" who didn't seem to have the opinion
that all abortions were the result of sinful pre-marital sex
it's part of the problem
the very non-brain-engaged