Thursday, September 15, 2016

thoughts on being a chick

I've been watching these YouTube videos
"how I did my makeup in high school"
for most of these people
that maybe wasn't so long ago
1) they wore a lot of makeup
2) [and this is something I'm noticing other places on social media as well]
2) these girls seem to have issues
with thinking they're not pretty
they've got to bolster themselves up
in the you're good enough you're smart enough and gosh darn it people like you dept
they say things
that are shocking me

I have to ask
am I super abnormal as a girl?
because I seriously never remember ever thinking I wasn't attractive
maybe not pretty exactly
because that's a specific type of thing
I can't remember caring whether people liked me
maybe I did
I just don't remember it

I think my father taught me
an unshakable sense that I was cool
and I don't think I've ever really needed anything else

these girls are like
I hated this about my face

I couldn't do my high school makeup
I used mascara pretty regularly
I didn't really take it off
I just rocked this black smudge
second day mascara look
pretty much all the time
and silvery gray lipstick
that's pretty much it
no foundation or powder for sure
I started that like two or three years ago
I am doing that to perfect my skin
no lie
I am not happy with the shit it's doing
I never had breakouts when I was young
I don't think I look ugly
I don't feel like it represents, ya know

I could do the mascara
which was LancĂ´me
I might find a lipstick
the right color
now I would need makeup
to approximate the skin
the skin was like it's own thing
the hair was better too

I don't think either my skin or hair
is ugly
I just feel like it needs a little work
to get closer to what it's supposed to look like

I do, however, feel a little cheated by my hair
when I got white hairs in my 20s they were three times as thick and were super wiry
so my plan
was always to get dreadlocks
when I got old
now my hair is thinner and weak
and there's no way I'm doing that to my poor hair
it's still good hair
it teased me
it looks to me
like i might actually have fewer white hairs
so, ya know, whatever

in case you ever wondered
whether I have girly thoughts like
am I good enough, pretty enough
not really
I have sometimes wondered
whether you are really all that attracted to me
physically, or if it's all my brain
I don't mean that like it's on me, ya know

is this making any sense?