Sunday, December 15, 2013

parade building

i went up the hill to speak to the alien
about my son's birth right
but it turned out
the big spaceship on top of the hill
was a bunch of guys
in a house that looked like a flying saucer
one was my son's father
and we had had some sort of really elaborate
game (maybe) that we had made together
i started talking to the other guys
and they were all really nice
i was telling them
it seemed like i had had two cars disappear
but possibly i had just dreamed, really vividly
of having the cars
because i didn't seem to have any
actual information about the cars

when you finally showed up
we started putting bits and pieces together
and we ended up with a parade of
lessons for children
using goofy cultural references
so it was kinda fun for watching parents too
i went back home
and tried to record another one
but my equipment didn't work so well
and when i tried to play it for you
it wouldn't play
and there was just a big puff of orange dust
you were nice about it
but i think
it was somehow also supposed to explain
how i still wanted you around
how great we always worked together
how, now i was reminded about it, i
totally missed you

i don't know if you ever got that message
or really if you missed me too
my son didn't seem to be anywhere
in the dream at all
i was a little confused about that