Wednesday, October 30, 2013

cypress, white pine, and now, bamboo sap

i've been having these long complicated dreams
and as i'm waking up
i'm thinking
i got to remember that
but then it's gone, and i can't tell you about it

i went to the mall
and there are these super aggressive cart people
they try to rope you in
i don't want to buy their stuff
i mean
i probably do
but i don't
and i don't want them to waste my time

it's hard not to engage with them

at one point
this guy is handing me a sample sachet
and i'm saying

no no no

are you using anything on those pimples

he asks about my basically healing cystic acne under my jaw
which probably wouldn't be visible if i could just not pick at it


i can't stop now
i'm on a mission

i'm going to buy skin care
he's selling skin care
he is israeli
if i let him talk to me
i will end up with a charge i can't afford to pay
and an entire new line of dead sea skin care
which i will love and use happily
but which i do not need
i am using a bunch of korean skin care
which i have spent almost a year refining and whittling down
to just the key items
that i am super happy with

for some reason
israeli sales people
[at least the ones i've met so far]
have some hypnotic power over me
and the whole sales process

spending a bunch of money
the inevitable

i bought my first amore pacific item