Tuesday, January 24, 2023


Sunday, January 22, 2023

working at art supply in the morning
gotta sleep fast

I love you very much sweetheart 💋

Saturday, January 21, 2023


Friday, January 20, 2023

I'm behind on all listening
I worked at art supply late
I have to go back in the morning
I love you very much
I have to sleep fast

Thursday, January 19, 2023


Monday, January 16, 2023

The imperfect is coming
Wednesday it change days
I ordered
I have an actual plan in my head
To make an Asian pear slaw
They're sending me but hopefully they're sending me Asian pears
And Napa cabbage

And I'm like seriously
Is this something you're really going to do
Where's this just a fantasy and you're going to end up using them other ways or throw them away

And I'm like doesn't Asian pear slaw sound delicious
And I'm like I don't know I'm not sure that it does

Then they have that lesser evil popcorn
That I love
And I'm all like I want four bags of that
And I'm like you're on a clenze
The computer dictation knows by now that cleanse is ironical sort of I guess and hence the new spelling

It is super healthy I'm screaming at myself
It is a snack

So I'm getting a lot of avocados like six or eight avocados
Like four grapefruit juice
Some non-fat yogurt Greek yogurt
The Asian pears
I think two grapefruits maybe I took those off cuz I was giving the grapefruit juice

But I think I thought I had all those avocados and I make a really good salad with avocado and grapefruit and it boosts your glutathione

Got some Meyer lemons
They're just really nice lemons
And they've always got lemons
But they don't always have Meyer lemons

I took all the breads off
I usually get if I'm ordering from them
A sprouted I think it's mixed grains or ancient grains or something like that but it's sprouted

I took off the eggs
I took off the vegan butter
I'm not really sure why I left the non-fat yogurt
Except that it's kind of a comfort food for me so and sometimes I feel like it's the best thing

And then I got
Pecan milk
I'm very excited about the pecan milk
I had I think it was walnut milk
But I'm not 100% sure
And it was like the most delicious thing ever in the history of the world but then it was never available again

But pecans are delicious
I'm not entirely certain I don't like pecans better than walnuts
And so far I'm pretty generally a fan of nut milks
And pretty generally a fan of plant milks

Although maybe not every use of a plant milk is successful

And fish
They had mahi and they had cod

If they come frozen
Then I will put them in the freezer
And I'm planning to eat some fish with brown rice and greens later on in the week
I have some fish already in the freezer then I'm going to eat and this will become the backup fish

But sometimes it comes and it's already thawed enough that you have to go ahead and eat it in which case I'll just be eating that fish

I often do some sort of cleanse
At the beginning of the year
And this year I had kind of a hard time deciding

And in fact
It's been more like
I don't really know what it's been more like
It's not a cleanse
And I have eaten
Foods that I would not consider to be cleanse foods
But I'm still kind of
I think maybe what I'm doing now

Rotating back through
Things that I've done in the past
But what I've learned about myself
I want to have one skincare routine that I can do all the time same thing you know

I want to have one kind of food thing that I do

But it doesn't work
I can say I want salads
And I eat salads for 1 week
Well then I don't want salads
I just had a week's worth of salads
You know I don't care what the raw food people say they're only so many salads you can make

Now if you just throw a bunch of raw food into a bowl and call that a salad then I guess you've got as many different things as you have ingredients

But why chop those all up and mix them together you know why not eat them separately

I'm doing that thing where I'm trying to be more aware of what I want
And the other day I really wanted a smoothie

Now you know I'm not that much of a smoothie person
I have had them sure I have enjoyed them sure but they're just not a thing I typically do

And fruit sometimes I have to be a little bit careful if I get too much fruit sometimes then I get gassy and that's unpleasant from a variety of perspectives

So there were some juice places
I wanted to smoothie
And there are a variety of smoothie places
But the first thing that came up with smoothie King
And I don't think of smoothie King is particularly healthy
Smoothie King is not the thing you're getting on the way to yoga smoothie King is the thing you're getting after you go to the gym or maybe before you go to the gym if you're a bodybuilder or whatever right or smoothie King is where you go if you're you know a dieter where you want them to put artificial sweeteners or whatever I don't know

And you know I think of them as being artificial

But for some reason I thought yes smoothie King

And I found the section where it had the things that weren't ice cream based
That weren't frozen yogurt based

It's like orange extreme or something
So it's got orange juice
And normally it has bananas
But when your ordering things from DoorDash everything's got a button right You know check here to remove this and that and whatever

So I remove the bananas
Which have too much sugar and will cause me to have stomach issues
And I replaced it with pineapple because

The added juice it had in it was apple pineapple juice
And I'm like I don't want apple pineapple juice that's too much sugar The apple juice adds too much sugar and that's going to cost me trouble

So I added in the pineapple to take into account the fact that I didn't have the pineapple juice

And instead I substituted papaya juice
Well papaya juice blend so I probably ended up with the apple there anyway because it doesn't say what that means

But I do really well with the papaya juice and it's really really low sugar

And then I added in almond milk
To give it a little bit of that kind of creaminess that it won't have because it doesn't have the banana

The recipe originally had turbinado sugar because apparently fruit is not sweet enough without adding sugar so I removed that

And they've got all those fun boosts
So I got a metabolism boost

And it was really really good

So this week
I'm doing smoothies
Frozen peaches
Pineapple juice with some amount of mango puree
Sadly they did not have papaya juice
And almond milk

Add some salad ingredients left over
So I had a cucumber and tomato salad

But then later I had some brown rice
But I had a jar of some kind of chili crisp
And I put a bunch of that on the brown rice
So see it's not officially cleanse
Brown rice is cleanse
Chili crisp not so much

So I realized
I don't think I've said anything more about that dress
I didn't sign up to do the hundred day thing
I don't want to take selfies
Minutes one thing to take a face selfie
It's another thing to have to figure out how to take a selfie of myself where you can see what I'm wearing
That's just too much right now

And also
I didn't want to wear that every single day
I wanted to have a little bit of

But I have worn it at least half the time
With leggings
And I've got to say
It is really strange

I mean I have been wearing clothes
That are big enough
That you won't see fat
It's big enough that it just glides over it

And now I'm wearing this outfit that
I mean it barely covers me
And it's thin material
And the leggings
If I tried to wear my underwear under them it made an enormous line
Cuz I guess the edge of the boy shorts when you pull up the tights it pulls it I don't know it folds it over whatever and so I was like well you know

Underwear is kind of redundant
So I'm wearing the leggings

Saturday, January 14, 2023

I have not been sleeping well
I've had a headache for 3 days
I just got a new bottle of melatonin
after being out for a good minute
I took some
and I'm falling asleep
I keep almost dropping my phone
I love you 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Art supply tomorrow
gotta sleep fast
I love you sweetheart 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

I love you 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

My mother said something the other day to me about doing something with me on my birthday and she seemed so happy at the idea I just didn't have the heart to be like I don't want to go out with you on my birthday
I didn't really have plans you know
I had plans to make plans but hadn't made plans

So I went out with my mom for my birthday
We went to the archway gallery
Saw the new show that was set up
And then I've been wanting to go to cleburne cafeteria the whole pandemic

So we went to cleburne for lunch
I had tomato and cucumber salad and liver onions and squash casserole with unsweetened iced tea and custard for dessert

The Merle Norman free gift was out today
I got some more miracol mask and do they had a lipstick that they brought back from there early collections for their 90-year anniversary called pink red and I got that

The free gift has a pretty good size sample of there wrinkle smoother eye cream and a fairly small sample of the wrinkle smoother face cream and there's also an exfoliating scrub and a decent size sample of the retinol night serum which I've used before and liked pretty well

Then I went to the grocery store
And got sushi
And cake

It was not a bad birthday

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

I love you
very much
sweetheart 💋

Monday, January 9, 2023

It was hot
But now it's cold again
Well I mean not like super cold but like brrrrr

I'm wanting to reach out to you
Grabbing your hand
But somehow in all that there's a treehouse

I don't know what that is about

I mean I had a tree house when I was a kid

Do you have some story with a treehouse

Sunday, January 8, 2023

I'm working in the morning
I painted these earlier

I'm still experimenting with the Michael Harding
and these
are paper experiments
the first is HP (hot press)
the second is CP (NOT)
which is cold press not rough (I think)

I like the hot press better
which of course I do
I have a bunch of cold press of varying types

I'm going to go to bed now
I have more 
but I haven't worked it all out in my head yet
I'm watching this show on Hulu
cause I've got Hulu, ya know
that Jason said
it was a crime against humanity
that I hadn't seen it
The Mighty Boosh
I watched a few episodes and
I was like, hmmm

but then I saw something
and I can't remember what
because it was eclipsed by the cheese song
and I thought
it really is a crime against humanity
that I haven't seen this show

goodnight sweetheart I love you very much 💋

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Really weird thunderstorm 
Rolling in
Sounded like an explosion
Sounded like building demolition

I went to the door 
I was afraid to open it
Peaked out the blinds

But it just doesn't sound like any lightning I've ever heard

I'm in bed
Cat sleeping on me
I'm listening to the thunder
And I think I'm going to fall asleep

Thursday, January 5, 2023

this area still has stuff I'm working on
sorting the shells
hanging the pictures

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

I love you