Friday, October 7, 2022

The dream I had about you
The one that kind of freaked me out so much
I was trying to see you
But there were all these women
Who were also somehow pans of watercolor paint

And they were like a hundred of them in this box
That was in front of you
And you could see all of them
But I was not in the box I was beside the box
End up front
Where you should have been able to see me
But you could
Or you wouldn't
Or you didn't
I'm not sure

And it just kept happening over and over
Every time I would try to see you
And then
Your wife was always there
Y'all would be like sitting on a porch swing
Or leaning against a wall somewhere
But she was just always kind of spread out all over you
Reminded me of that pre-Raphaelite painting
I can't remember the name of it
Hang on
Flaming June

And it would only be mildly annoying but I had said I need a sign
Not about you
About kind of what my next step and direction
More of a career question

Still kind of freaked me out though