Saturday, October 1, 2022

Can't remember the last time I was awake this late
Been kind of a strange mood
And kind of brain foggy
I don't know
If I can attribute any of this to the shot
I don't really even have pain at the injection site I mean my arm is a little bit feels a little bit heavier subjectively than the other one and it's a little bit stiff but
I mean I had a headache and brain fog before I even went to get the vaccine

And I have joint pain
That seems a little worse
But that just could be because I'm looking for symptoms you know
Like if I wasn't paying attention to it would it really seem worse

I definitely have some weird mood issues but I'm not sure that that's because of the vaccine I think it's more likely to do with the fact that I'm almost done with this giant project that I've been working on for like 6 months

I have all these feelings
And you know I've gone through my mom's stuff and I've read through a bunch of her papers and etc and I really don't know if I feel like I know her any better than I did before

And I feel like
I've become unmoored from myself somehow
Like I'm less certain
Who I am
It's like when Jason did that thing where he just magically took away my whole identity which was all tied up in my native American ancestry

And then it wasn't

Well there's something similar going on now but I'm not sure exactly what it is

It's really strange

Anyway maybe I'll figure it out
It's like I know what it is but I haven't told myself yet or something
It's very strange
Many many feels

Anyway I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹