Friday, October 7, 2022

My finger joints have been very sore
I think from carrying trash bags and boxes and whatnot
But there was already pretty bad before I got the COVID booster
This COVID booster was different from any of the previous shots which doesn't really surprise me because this one has omicron variants so it's different
It is different

And I didn't really feel anything the first day except a little bit tired maybe
So I think I talked about it at the time I had symptoms but they were all pretty much things I had before I got the booster so I didn't really attribute any of them to the booster

And my arm never did really get sore it had a little tenderness like if you pushed on it but it wasn't like any of the other ones that were actively achy and couldn't lift my arm and whatnot

The next day when I woke up I was like oh I feel like I'm getting sick
But then by the next day I felt fine and I wasn't really fine because when I went back to lifting and toting and moving and whatnot it wore me out a lot faster but I didn't feel bad

But really ever since my fingers are just so bad that it's I mean it hurts to scroll on my phone you know everything I do with my fingers it just both hands they're just swollen and like arthritic or something

And I have this place on my back where when I was like I don't know 12 I was at a friend's house and it was kind of a bungalow so the tub was configured in a different way a different distance from the sink and I was looking in the mirror and I backed up what in most bathrooms I had been in would have been not a problem but this was and I fell backwards into the tub and I hit my neck back thing kind of where my neck and my shoulders join there's like a spot

I don't know if I've told you the story before or not it hurt it hurt really really bad
And when I wouldn't stop complaining about it hurting like 2 months later my mom took me to the doctor
She didn't take me to my regular doctor she took me to like a specialist or yeah somebody who specialized in bones or something
And they took an x-ray and said well doesn't look to be broken so soft tissue damage too bad

And I mean it hurt after a while it got to where it hurt like when the weather changed or when it was really humid or whatever but it you know it stopped being something that hurt all the time and you know after about 10 or 15 years it either stopped hurting at all or became part of the background so I didn't notice it anymore or whatever I don't know but I haven't thought about it for a long long time

But I had had pain there not bad pain not like you know I got to go to the doctor pain but well I mean that would have to be some pretty bad pain

Since you know a couple months after it happened there wasn't anything they could do although now they can do much more efficient scans I guess but whatever it didn't occur to me to go to the doctor
And that stopped after a day or two

But the fingers they are just not getting better
And it's been a week
And my hip is kind of jacked too
And the thing is these are all things that have been back and forth back and forth you know they're getting repeatedly stressed and injured because of all this stuff I'm doing

But I'm not doing very much of that now

So I don't know I'm not liking it
If you haven't gotten the new omicron booster
Then I'd say if you get it be prepared for all your weak spots to get an inflammatory cascade reaction