Wednesday, September 7, 2022

I haven't ordered these yet
They're pretty inexpensive and there's something else I want that would get me free shipping but it's not back in stock yet
I don't know about the dark ocher I've watched videos of swatches and it seems to be brown with no orange in it
And not overly yellow
But in the picture here it doesn't look like a good color
So I don't know I may take that off
I'm also not 100% sure that that yellow is non-toxic I'm also not 100% sure that that brown is non-toxic
But my thinking
Is that a pretty strong transparent yellow
It's a reasonably new pigment
And I just haven't found one of those yellows that I like yet so I thought I'd give it a try
That brown I just can't resist although I don't think it's really as dark in person as it looks in that picture

But the lavenda
It's been creeping in around the edges of my consciousness that I should try a color like that
I typically would not
But the brown and the lavender is a contrast seems appealing

And the way I'm kind of constructing this palette conceptually
Is with mixing dyads
The raw umber and the Prussian blue green shade
the rose does (primary red looking thing) with the quinacridone fuchsia
and then also the quinacridone fuchsia with the perylene maroon
The satellite with the raw umber
The yellow which has changed several times but for sure the raw sienna deep with the violet iron oxide which is another one of my favorite painting colors
I wasn't going to put in the alizarin gold but it makes such beautiful oranges All three of those other reds will mix with yellows and make oranges but not like this one and it also dyads really well with the perylene maroon
The alizarin Gold also does some really cool stuff with the Prussian blue green shade

And then the leaf green it will mix with many of those colors and make beautiful shades but I was getting it for a contrast specifically I was thinking how beautifully it would contrast with the quinacridone fuchsia and then the lavenda
Of course contrast really well with the yellow but it also contrasts and maybe contrast is an exactly the word I want I think it works but it doesn't contrast in the same way with the brown as it does with the yellow

And these full pans are much less paint
I think a full pan is 5 ml of paint but it might be less than that I'm uncertain exactly but the sample size tube of the leaf green for example is 8 ml and it was about seven bucks and these are well cheapest ones about 350 and the most expensive ones about $6 less than $6 more like $550 for those four it's like 17 bucks

Probably I should take the dark hooker off
Haha dark ocher
I mean your whole palette isn't supposed to be browns
I also keep having this crazy thought like man I should really get a silver or something but I think that's too much

I love you sweetheart πŸ’‹